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Site funding

Money Saving Answers started as a community question and answer site, and eventually developed into what it is today. The money made by the site helps me to keep us researching, and producing articles for you to enjoy. In keeping with the site’s original community spirit, commercial activities are limited.

The site earns money in two wasy:


Throughout this site you may find limited contextual ads as provided via Google’s Doubleclick network, and Ezoic. Each time you click on an ad the site earns a very small commission, even if you never actually buy anything. Like you, we hate it when ads get in way of great content, so where possible we restrict the amount and the type of ads you see, to such an extent that in many articles you won’t see any ads at all.

Affiliate links

Where products and services have been mentioned, we look to see if any affiliate links are available for those products. Where affiliate links are available they will be included in the article and by clicking on those links and taking out products or services, the site may receive a commission.

This is the same method of earn as employed by popular sites such as Money Saving Expert, MoneySupermarket, and LoveMoney, not to mention all the voucher, deals, and comparison sites online.

Only affiliate links that give you an identical (or better) deal than going direct are used, and they never affect editorial decisions when reviewing any products or services.

In fact, many of our articles are written long before affiliate links are even considered. If something is worth saying it will be published because we believe it is worth knowing, not because we’ve been paid to write it.

Comparison tables

In addition to editorial content, MSA also hosts a number of comparison tables. Often these will feature products or services that have been mentioned or reviewed in previous articles. Unlike editorial content, the order of these comparisons will be reflection of our opinions as well as our commercial arrangements.

As much of the site’s editorial content is not monetised, comparison tables provide an effective method of generating revenue for the site and allowing us to ensure our editorial as unbiased as possible.

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